Bright Ring Publishing
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Trim a Tree for Birds from Good Earth Art
good earth art
  • stale bread
  • cookie cutters, knife, or scissors
  • peanut butter
  • yarn
  • pretzels, donuts
  • orange halves, scooped out
  • suet and seed
Good Earth Art by MaryAnn Kohl and Cindy Gainer
Paperback $14.95

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Make a festive gift for the birds:

  1. Begin by cutting stale bread into pretty shapes with scissors, cookie cutter, or a knife.
  2. Spread bread with peanut butter. (Then press this into a tray of bird seed, if you like.)
  3. Hang the edible ornaments from a tree outside with yarn (which birds will use for nests later).

Add other treats, too:

  1. Scoop out an orange half, fill with suet and seed, and place in crook of a tree branch.
  2. Hang stale donuts or pretzels from branches.
  3. Watch from your window and enjoy the feeling of giving.
  1. Fill a net bag with "bird-pudding" and hang from tree: mixture of suet or vegetable shortening, peanut butter, eggs, seeds, bread, leftover meats, or any other thing birds enjoy.
  2. Fill a piece of netting with dryer lint for nesting materials.