Monster Face Salad - from Snacktivities
Makes 1 serving - recipe can be doubled or extended easily to serve more people. It is also delicious when made with fruit instead of vegetables.
about 1 cup cottage cheese
selection of favorite fresh, raw vegetables, such as cherry tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts, green bell pepper slices, olives, broccoli, red bell pepper slices, zucchini slices, peas, beans
ice-cream scoop
1. Place a lettuce leaf on a plate.
2. Place a scoop of cottage cheese on the lettuce with the ice-cream scoop.
3. Decorate the cottage cheese with the vegetables to design a scary face, animal or design.
4. Serve immediately or place in the refrigerator until serving time as a salad or light lunch.
copyright © 2005 MaryAnn Kohl
This art activity is copyright protected.
Permission is granted to reprint one copy for personal use only.
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