Bright Ideas for Learning

New Year's Eve Cracker Snackers
Cooking Art

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New Year's Eve Cracker Snackers from Cooking Art


bite-size crackers, cereals, nuts, dried fruit or other snacks, such as:

fish-shaped crackers, raisins, popcorn, pretzel bits, chocolate chips


wax paper
tissue paper, especially in bright colors
stickers or name tags, optional
sandwich bags
toilet paper tubes, one for each cracker snacker
ribbon or rubber bands
basket or bowl

snacker crackers


1. Spread out the selected crackers, cereals and other bite-size snacks on a sheet of wax paper. Mix the snacks together by hand.
2. Scoop up a handful, about 1/2 cup of the mixed snacks and put them in a plastic sandwich bag. Let the snacks settle across the bottom in the bag. Then, roll the bag into a hot dog-shaped tube, starting at the snack end of the bag. Secure with a little piece of tape to keep the roll in shape.
3. Slip the rolled tube into a cardboard toilet paper tube.
4. Wrap the toilet paper tube with tissue paper, letting extra tissue stick out at both ends of the tube. Tape the tissue paper at the center of the tube.
5. Next, gather the tissue at the ends and tie with ribbon or rubber bands.
6. Decorate the tube with stickers or a name tag or more ribbons. This is the Cracker Snacker. Create as many Cracker Snackers as needed.
7. Fill a basket or bowl with the fluffy tissue paper ends of the Cracker Snackers showing.
8. On New Year's Eve after the stroke of midnight and after all the banging of pans and sounding of horns, each person can tear open a Cracker Snacker and enjoy the yummy contents.

Because young children may not stay up until midnight, stage a pretend New Year's Eve at a convenient time. Keep in mind that most children enjoy the celebration more when it is very dark outside and seems just like midnight!

copyright © 2005 MaryAnn Kohl
This art activity is copyright protected.

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