MaryAnn F. Kohl ~ Literary Agent

Published by Redleaf Press, 2013
After many years as a publisher and author in the education genre, specifically early childhood and elementary education levels, I am ready to help you publish your first book! Bring me the right book and I will find a publisher, negotiate the contract in your favor, and stand by to assist throughout the process.
I have been in the education publishing and authoring world for close to thirty years. I’m ready to represent your book to education publishers if it fits my criteria (see below) and if I feel confident that I can find a publisher for you.
READ: MaryAnn Kohl – In the News – Literary Agent
How Do We Get Started?
First – you and your book must meet this criteria in order for MaryAnn to represent you:
1. Your book must potentially sell to parents, teachers, childcare providers, and/or homeschool families.

Published by Gryphon House, 2013
2. You must be willing and able to help promote the book through your blog or other social media, magazine articles, workshops, or other events.
3. Your book must promote creative thinking, discovery, and exploration as well as developmentally appropriate play, learning, or skills.
The Content of Your Book
Your book MUST cover educational activities or experiences for children somewhere between the ages of birth to 12 years, and should be rich with activities, projects, or creative experiences. It’s fine to add philosophy and your own touch to the writing too.

Published by Adams Media, 2014.
Here are a few ideas for suitable topics:
- music
- play
- sensory experiences
- puppets or dramatics
- science
- math
- dance
- physical activity
- cooking
- teaching aids
- teaching ideas & philosophy
What’s the Next Step?
CONTACT MARYANN and give her a general idea of what your book is about and she will let you know if you should submit a proposal to her. She can explain what that entails, or, follow the steps below and email your proposal to MaryAnn:
1. a cover letter describing who you are, and why you are writing the book, your background in working with children
2. who the book is for (teachers, parents, etc.) and with what ages the reader will use the book
3. list the table of contents
4. include a sample chapter or several sample pages or activities
5. send the above to MaryAnn in an email, and she will respond immediately about the possibility of representing your book; at that point, she will openly discuss a contract, and how to progress to the next steps.
I look forward to hearing from you!